New News! -- HOT BOX -- New News

We would like to announce our Star going to be at the Leadsled Spectacular
is Going to be Catherine Bach

From Dukes of Hazzards.. July 25-26 only.

The hours are going to be 10:00 till 4:00pm.

She will be signing autographs
 under the T-shirt Pavilion.

The hours of the show are
 Friday July 25 from 9:00am till 5:00 pm.
Friday tickets are $15.00 Adults/
tickets for Children 12 and under free.

Saturday July 26 9:00am till 5:00 pm.
 Tickets are $20.00 Adults

Sunday July 27 Hours are 9:00 3:00.
Tickets are $10.00 Adults.

Daisy Duke is a fictional character, played by Catherine Bach, from the American television series The Dukes of Hazzard. She is the cousin of Bo and Luke, the third main protagonists of the show, and the three live on a farm on the outskirts of Hazzard County with their Uncle Jesse.





Kustom Kemps Of America

It’s Summertime, and living is KOOL in MAGGIE VALLEY North CAROLINA!  

Howdy all Rod and Kustom Kat’s, and Kitten’s (guy’s or gal’s), excitement is growing on the Annual “Icons of Hotrodding”, created and produced by the worlds largest, association of Kustomized Car’s, Truck’s, and Hotrod’s of the 1950’s and 60’s era of chopped and channeled coupes and sedan’s. Long live the era of  KUSTOM KEMPS OF AMERICA, originaly created by Jerry and DeVona Titus  in Wichita, Kansas in 1980.  And still super alive today big time, with many 1,000’s of member’s in America, and internationally.

The Kustom Kemps Of America, has produced 1,000’s, of pre-1969 rods and kustom car event’s throughout American state’s, since 1980, and met with lots of excitement by many young and old kustom, and hotrodding owner’s. It’s such a good feeling to see, and be amongst the colorful cars and trucks, that make the event’s so kool, and memorable of old times. Plus, being able to get close to a favorite kustom or hotrod, and visit with the owners, on how he, or she built it, or had it built. Good time feeling’s for sure.

YOU CAN ENJOY THAT FEELING BY ATTENDING A KUSTOM KEMPS OF AMERICA EVENT, LIKE THE SOON TO HAPPEN !!!SHOW AND SHINE OF THE 6th ANNUAL  ICON’S OF HOTRODDING SPECTACULAR, Aug. 22-23, 2025. That’s nestled in IN MAGGIE VALLEY, NORTH CAROLINA, at the Festival Grounds against the beautiful SMOKEY MOUNTAIN’s DON’T MISS A FUN, minute of this back to a 1950’s event. The happy days of American History.

Call Kustom Kemps Of America, (KKOA), 417-847-2940, to learn how to enter the event,



Kustom Kemps Of America





August  22-23, 2025

North Carolina



(Pre:1969 & Older Mild to Wild



Chopped & Dropped Leadsled’s

Channeled & Hopped up Hotrod’s

Sectioned & Bubble-Top  Creation’s

Wind-in-Face Roadster’s, and Coupe’s.

Kustomized “Peace Brother” Pre-’69 Van’s

All ’20’s, ’30’s, ’40’s, ’50’s & ’60’s

Kustom-Rodded GM, Mopar & Ford’s

American Graffiti Style 40’s - 50’s

& 60’s Cruisin Main St. Hotrodding!


Post-1970 & Newer “NCC” Cars & Trucks!

(New Concept Custom’s)

Must be  Noticeably Lowered, and have 

Noticeable Kustom Body Modifications 


KKOA Member: $25.00,

Non-Member: $35.00

Show Special: $45.00! Enter event,

become a KKOA member for (1) year,

 receive a KKOA window sticker,

 billfold I.D. Card, and a subscription

to the 28 page, full color

 KKOA Trendsetter Kustom Magazine.

Event Coverage - Kustom News - Photo’s

KKOA Member Letter’s - 4-Sale Kemps, etc.

Icon Vendors: Pin Striper’s, Clothing,

Swapper & Automotive Vendor Spaces

Food Concession & Arts & Craft Vendors

10’ x 20’ $40.00 - Ea. Add. 10’ x 10’ $10.00

__Call for Details__

KKOA @ 417-847-2940

Icon Kemp Contest’s!

Slow Drag Races

Kemp-A-Go-Low  Contest

Mini-Merc $50 dollar Treasure Hunt

’50’s Rock-A-Billy on stage Rock & Roll


You Ain’t Nothin’ But A Hound Dog & Johnnie B Good Times!


So-Fine-Nine ICON Award’s!


Spectator’s Vote “Icon Pick”

Rod & Kustom KOOL Club Award

All This & Much More Happenning!

Open To Spectators Friday and Saturday 9am-5:pm

August  22-23, 2025

Comfort Inn 3282 Soco Rd., (828)-926-9106

Maggie Valley, North Carolina

KKOA Icon’s of Hotrodding Festival Entry Info.:

Ph.: 417-847-2940, or Kustom Kemp Facebook


If Daddy Wants to Go

Momma Packs Her Suitcase First!


Visit Maggie Valley Form Page




COMING IN 2025!!!

Kustom Kemps OAmerica

45th Annual

Leadsled Spectacular 

...over  2,000  entrant’s last year...

 JULY 24-25-26-27, 2025 

Scheduled Attractions!


Thur. eve. 7:30 pm Sundown Cruise On Santa Fe Ave.

KKOA event entries gather & start at Oakdale Park. Wave @ Sidewalk Spectators.

Fri.-Sat. 9am-5p…Sunday 9am-2p….Show & Shine @ Oakdale Park 

Show cars, trucks, drag machines, bicycles, vendors, swappers, bands,

Food Vendors, Kustom Pedal Cars, 1950 Mini-Merc 50$ Treasure Hunt

FRi. 10:am…KKOA Hotrod and Kustom Auction @ Oakdale Park 

Fri. 5:p-till dusk @ E. Crawford St. Park….Run-What’ya-Brung-Drags  

Watch Registered Leadsled Spectacular Entries Race 1/8 mile against whoever rolls up beside them!

Fri. Sat..…(2) $1,000.00, (2) Age Group Beauty Contest’s! 

Pin-ups 18-39  Lookers 40-+, @ Oakdale Park Stage

1st- $500, 2nd - $300, 3rd - $200, ea. age group

Fri.-Sat. 9am-5p,-Sun. 9:am-2p…Vintage Bicycle Spoke-tacular  

$300.00 Model Car, and Pedal Car Spectacular 

@ Oakdale Park,   Sat. 9am-5p Award for models is 4:00pm

(2) working Fri. Sat. Sun. Kustom Shop’s @ Oakdale Park

In Person, Fri.-Sat.-Sun.!

 Movie and TV Star’s To be announced!

All Weekend! World Famous Kustomizer’s  @ Oakdale Park!

Fri. Sat. Sun….Valve Cover Races… @ Oakdale Park

One Night with Elvis”, Tribute Concert,

 World Champion Elvis Presley Tribute Artist. Sat.

Sun. 1:pm, Spectacular Award Ceremonies

$5,000 in Cash Award’s and Trophy’s

777 Top Kustom, Top Hotrod, Top 25, and Special Awards @ Oakdale Park stage



2110 W. Crawford 785:825-2111

Salina Lodging’s & Up-dated News, on the

 front page of this website under“Between Coats”

KKOA Spectacular and Entry Info.: 417-847-2940


…Event Dates & Times Subject To Change… Info.: KKOA - 417-847-2940,


KKOA! The  of KustomHotRodding! 

Visit Salina Form Page

If you're a current KKOA member you can advertise your kustoms for sale on-line, for free. All we need is your ad/photo e-mailed to us at,, and we'll place it on-line in less then 48 hours (most of the time within 24 hours). Also, if you want a picture with your ad, simply scan it in jpeg format and send it w/your ad. Or, if you want to U.S. Mail us a ad w/photo we'll get it on as soon as we get it. Non-KKOA members can also place a
ad w/a picture for only $10 per ad, w/a photo.

All ads will run for a minimum of 30 days, or longer w/space available. For even quicker service, Visa, or Mastercard is accepted on either of our security-safe membership page, or events page of this website. Once on, in the bottom "comment" box, simply type in "Ad for 4-Sale Page." Mailing by postal service send to: KKOA 26 Main St., Cassville, MO. 65625. Additional info. can be obtained by calling KKOA at: (417) 847-2940

Extra bonus! All ads received will also be placed in the next immediate issue of the Trendsetter magazine that's mailed to every KKOA member.

To see what's currently for sale,
go to the "4-Sale" page of this website.

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